Freshwater Pearl

      Freshwater pearls are a type of pearl cultivated primarily in fresh bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, and ponds. Unlike saltwater pearls cultivated in the ocean, freshwater pearls are mostly harvested from mollusks of the genus Hyriopsis, particularly Hyriopsis cumingii and Hyriopsis schlegelii, cultivated in China, the USA, and other countries with suitable conditions.

Features of Freshwater Pearls

  • Variety of Shapes and Colors: Freshwater pearls can have various shapes from perfectly round to baroque, and a wide spectrum of colors — from traditional white to pink, lilac, and even black.
  • Nucleus-Free Cultivation: Unlike saltwater pearls, most freshwater pearls are cultivated without a nucleus. This means that only a piece of mantle tissue is introduced into the mollusk, leading to the formation of a pearl that is almost entirely composed of nacre. This makes freshwater pearls more durable and resistant to wear.
  • Accessibility: Freshwater pearls tend to be more affordable than saltwater pearls due to higher yield and lower cultivation costs. A mollusk can produce several pearls in one cultivation cycle.

Cultivation Process

     The process of growing freshwater pearls begins with the transplantation of mantle tissue from a donor mollusk into a recipient. This tissue stimulates the formation of pearls. Freshwater mollusks can be cultivated in water bodies for one to several years before the pearls are harvested.


     Freshwater pearls are used in a variety of jewelry items, such as earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and rings. Thanks to their diversity in shapes and colors, as well as their accessibility, they are popular among designers and consumers wishing to add a touch of elegance and luxury to their appearance.

Environmental Benefits

    Freshwater pearls are considered to be a more environmentally sustainable option because their cultivation requires less intervention into natural bodies of water and is less harmful to the marine environment than the extraction of saltwater pearls.

    Freshwater pearls continue to gain popularity due to their affordability, diversity, and eco-friendliness, providing jewelry with unique beauty and refinement.